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Posted on Nov 21, 2017 in Business Tips

You Know You’ve Found a Solid Adhesive Supplier When…


Right now, the United Kingdom is home to more 3M preferred tape converters than ever before. Which stands to reason, given the way in which businesses of all shapes and sizes are making the permanent switch to industrial adhesive products.

In so many business settings – manufacturing in particular – the right adhesive product for the right everyday process can transform the way business is done.  From bringing expenses under control to accelerating output to making a real difference in terms of quality and consistency, it’s quite remarkable how big of a difference this relatively small change can make. Nevertheless, it’s all dependent on ensuring you take on the right adhesive product in the first place, working closely with the very best supplier available to you.

But with so many options to choose from, how can you ensure that your own custom adhesive supplier really is the best of the bunch? What kind of things should you be looking for, when looking to make such an important decision?

In short, there are essentially five easily identifiable signs that you’ve found yourself a keeper. So just as long as these following five boxes are appropriately ticked, chances are you’re working with one of the better custom adhesive suppliers out there:

1. They advise you every step of the way

First and foremost, you absolutely cannot put a price on the kind of invaluable advice and support an experienced adhesive designer and manufacturer can offer. From the moment you get in touch, it should be pretty clear that your satisfaction and the enhanced performance of your business are the biggest priorities for the manufacturer in question. By contrast, you should never be made to feel as if you are something of a burden, simply because you have plenty of questions to ask. Unless they are clearly willing to offer you the necessary support and advice every step of the way, you might want to think about taking your business elsewhere.

2. They present multiple solutions

Regardless of what it is you require industrial adhesives for, chances are there will be multiple viable options available to you. However, it’s highly unlikely that you will already be aware of these various options, prior to reaching out to the professionals. Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t the job of such third-party suppliers to simply provide you with what you ask for.  Instead, they should play a pivotal role in helping you determine what it is you need in the first place, in accordance with your requirements. It’s only upon exploring multiple solutions that you can then decide which represents the best option for your business.

3. They’re happy to offer samples

Samples and prototypes should be offered as standard by any manufacturer with confidence in their abilities. After all, if they genuinely believe that what they are offering is of the highest possible quality, what’s to lose in providing samples? Particularly if you intend to place a larger order at some point, the importance of obtaining examples beforehand cannot be overstated. As such, you know you’re onto a winner if the supplier you choose practically insists on offering samples or prototypes as standard.

4. Their products are guaranteed

And it’s exactly the same case when it comes to guarantees and warranties in general. When the products being offered are of the highest possible quality and consistency, satisfaction guarantees can be offered in confidence. By contrast, if there are any potential quality issues or discrepancies as far as consistency is concerned, it’s understandable that a manufacturer may not wish to offer guarantees. Suffice to say, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out which of these bodes best for your business. If you don’t want to run the risk of needlessly wasting time and money, only ever work with those that are willing to offer comprehensive satisfaction guarantees.

5. The feedback speaks for itself

Last but not least, one of the easiest and most accurate ways of choosing a quality adhesive supplier is to see what other customers have had to say about their products and services. Assuming they’ve been in business for even a modest amount of time, there will no doubt be plenty of feedback and testimonials available online for your inspection. Take a look through the archives, build an impression of what’s being said about the manufacturer and make your decision accordingly.