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Posted on Nov 21, 2013 in Small Business

Transform your passion for gaming into a successful business

Transform your passion for gaming into a successful business


If you are passionate about playing the game The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle-earth, here is a good idea of a business: an online platform designed to provide other players, especially beginners, with useful hints on how to perfectly play this game. It is a common practice today to set up a website, gather as many visitors as possible and make money by allowing ads appear on your website.

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Posted on Oct 22, 2013 in Small Business

Great entrepreneurs are born or taught?

Great entrepreneurs are born or taught?

There is a constant question that never leaves people’s minds, and especially the ones of those working in the business field, and this concerns whether the really successful firm owners are simply born this way or develop along the path by having the best possible education and access to information.

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Posted on Oct 22, 2013 in Financial

Reduce the costs of your company with outsourcing

Reduce the costs of your company with outsourcing

Nowadays, more and more companies choose to lower their costs through outsourcing as they begin to realize its benefits. Small businesses in particular can considerably improve their overall functionality by implementing this strategy and taking advantage of the excellent services outsourcing companies can offer them. The most important advantage brought by outsourcing is directly related to cost savings.

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