Safe ways to transport your dog in your vehicle
When you have a dog you want to take him with your everywhere, but you may have no idea what to do to keep him safe. When you travel with your dog, it is not similar as when you have passengers, because your dog has different needs. It is important to know some things in order to make the experience more pleasurable for both of you, especially when he is a puppy, because this is the period when he gets accustomed with getting transported in a car. The majority of people have little idea on the regulations and rules on having dogs in their cars, but you should know that every state has specific laws and you should check the books to make sure that you are up to date. The new Toyota Prius is great, according to Edmunds to take your dog with you when travelling, so you should consider this model if you want to buy a car and you have a pet.
Buy a crash tested crate
To make sure that you keep your dog safe when travelling, you should transport him in a carte. But, it is important to choose the right size crate for your furry friend, and to check if it is safety-certified. It is preferable to buy a plastic and aluminum reinforced one, because they are durable materials. Also, the design is important, because it has to allow for good air circulation so your dog can breathe easily during the trip.
Give yourself a break
When you are travelling with a dog, you should see it similar as when you travel with children. Even if you can drive for hours, your dog has different needs, and you should not hurry to arrive to destination and forget about him. You should stop every two or three hours, and allow him to stretch their legs.
Turn off power windows
In case you have a car that features power windows, you should make sure to turn them off, because the dog can easily open them by accident. You may think that this is a harmless thing, because dogs like to keep their heads in the breeze, but sometimes if they are too excited, they can jump out of the moving car. In addition, the window can be closed on their neck and this will choke them, so you should make sure you avoid this type of situation.