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Posted on Oct 10, 2017 in Business Tips

Learn how to make a great first impression


If you’re like other people, then you probably think that you have all the time in the world to make a good impression. The matter of fact is that it only takes a couple of seconds to wow people. It has been estimated that 7 seconds is enough to make a first impression.            But why does it matter what other businesspeople think about you? Because if you’re not perceived as being a professional, they will want nothing to have to do with you. No matter how hard you try afterwards, you won’t be able to undo the damage. People won’t treat you as the competent person that you are. We know the secret to making a great impression, so keep on reading.

Get a Honda Civic

This is undoubtedly the last piece of advice that you were expecting. However, there is a strong connection between the car that you drive and your professional appearance. It can be said that your vehicle is part of your image.  You can find an affordable Honda Civic for sale in Los Angeles. The question now is whether you really need one. Of course, you do. The right kind of vehicle says that you’re a powerful person, who isn’t willing to settle for less than the big prize. Honda Civic, in particular, is reliable and, most importantly, handsome. The engine is a peach, benefiting from 180 HP. As with regards to the infotainment system, it is out of this world.

Practice your handshake

As you have probably understood, you have only one chance to make a great first impression. You can arrive any car that you want, if you don’t know how to shake hands properly, it’s all for nothing. Besides the fact that you have to have confidence, you’ve got to be short and to the point. The handshake is very much similar to an acknowledgement, which is the reason why it must be brief. Not only do you have to extend your hand, but also, you have to make sure to maintain eye contact. The person should be able to tell what you’re planning to do.

Try to be interesting

You are eager to meet fellow businesspeople, but they may not be so eager to meet you. If you give the impression of being boring, you’ll not enjoy very much success. Can people really tell that you are at the event only because someone forced you to come? As a matter of fact, they can. If you’re there, at least make an effort. Don’t talk about the weather or trivial things. Speak business.