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Posted on Oct 23, 2013 in Franchises

The differences between franchises and business opportunities

If you are seriously considering of entering the entrepreneurs market and investing in your own business, but you don’t want to start from scratch, as it is to risky, then you generally have two main options: buying a franchise or seizing a business opportunity. A lot of people have serious concerns when it comes to choosing between the two, as they both come with certain advantages and some drawbacks, not to mention the fact that few actually know what the exact differences between the two alternatives are. Well, one of the most significant difference is represented by the fact that a franchise comes with a trademarked name. This may seem as an insignificant detail to you, but it bears, in fact, a lot of weight in the process. The name of a business can have a dramatic impact on its success, which is why this difference is important. If you think that your creative skills can do a hell of a job in choosing the right name for a business and that you can set yourself apart from everyone else within the industry, then a trademarked name is not a pleasant perspective for you. On the other hand, in today’s business environment, when almost all words in the vocabulary are trademarked and when getting a certain brand to be recognized and appreciated by the large public requires a lot of effort, benefiting from the name of a franchise can give you a head start.


Another main difference is the way the business is operated. In the case of a franchise, the parent company sets out a set of operational guidelines, whereas in the case of a business opportunity venture, you get to legally operate your business as you like. However, the shadowing of the parent company in the case of franchising comes with many added benefits, as it provides new entrepreneurs with virtually everything they need to start the business, from full scale support of marketing efforts, training, even help with choosing a suitable location, as well as a complete start up inventory. All these will prove to be a huge help, especially if you don’t have much of experience in setting up a business and running it.


All things considered, if you are on the verge of a business venture, then you need to make sure you are choosing the most suitable opportunity for you, whether a package format franchise or a business opportunity venture. You need to accurately evaluate your skills, your possibilities and your needs and make the best suitable decision, so that you can turn your business into a real success, regardless of the fact that it can be under the umbrella of a large franchise group. Do your due diligence and research the implications of both alternatives thoroughly and if you still are confused, then don’t hesitate to resort to professional and expert advice from business consultants who can steer you in the right direction.