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Posted on Jan 23, 2020 in Small Business

Opening a warehouse? Make sure these things never miss from the storage room

A lot of people think that opening a warehouse is an easy job. You just receive packages, store them for a while, and then send them back on their way. Well, not so fast! If you want a successful business, you need to ensure that everything works close to perfection. You need to have good inventory management practice, ensure that everything has its own place and that employees are working in a safe and clean environment.

If you are planning on opening a warehouse, no matter what you do, make sure the following things are always to be found in your storage room, if you want a well-put-together business.


Employee uniform and protection

Working in a warehouse can get dangerous at times. Pickups and other equipment transporting pallets at every hour of the day, tall shelves full of heavy boxes, and packages that can fall and cause serious injuries are just a few of the things that can really put your employees in danger. The last thing you need is a lawsuit concerning work safety, so if you want to avoid this, make sure all your employees have and wear their equipment at all times.

Also, to minimize or totally prevent unauthorized traffic, it may be a good idea to consider giving your employees navneskilt bedrift with their name on it. This way, you can keep away any person who is not supposed to be close to your inventory or machinery.


Packaging supplies

You are a warehouse, right? So that means you need all sorts of packaging supplies, to make sure everything is labeled and stored properly. Otherwise, you risk making a mess out of everything, and without proper organization is very had to keep a warehouse in place. Sikkerhet og forsegling tags are very important as well if you don’t want to have bags of stuff getting all over the place.

Having everything packed and labeled accordingly will not only make storage easier but also transportation. You don’t want fragile packages to reach customers in pieces, do you? Make sure you have sikkerhetsetiketter from all categories and place them on boxes accordingly.


Cleaning and housekeeping supplies

A messy warehouse is doomed to fail because you will never be able to find anything fast and efficient. Make sure you instruct your employees that cleaning should be an everyday task. Sweep the floors and shelves from dust, because it not only looks bad, but it can also be a health hazard.

Make sure shelves are straightened ore repaired, and that nothing risks falling apart and hurting someone. Make sure garbage does not end up laying around and consider investing in recycling bins. This way everything stays in place and disposing of waste is ten times easier. If you have a common room where employees eat or take their breaks, ensure that it stays organized as well.

Implement these policies form the very beginning and get your employees used to them, to avoid unpleasant discussions afterward.