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Posted on Oct 25, 2018 in Small Business

Alcohol or Drug Abuse in The Workplace – How to Identify It?

Addiction can contribute enormously to reducing employee’s ability and capacity to contribute to your company’s development and profitability. In terms of economic concerns, an addiction can make an entire team fail to deliver on time and successfully. It can lead to a drop in productivity, a spike in absenteeism and significantly higher costs associated with healthcare.

In human terms, this may lead to relationship issues, severe emotional problems and depression, which also contribute to lower productivity levels in the workplace. Addiction impacts every aspect of one’s life and it can be heartbreaking. Below are some tips that will help you identify with high rates of accuracy addiction in your employees and how to help them overcome those.


Possible signs of addiction in the workplace

There are numerous symptoms that will help you successfully identify an addict in the workplace. Below are some of those.

  • A dramatic change in work performance;
  • A drop in work attendance;
  • Mood swings, attitude changes, oftentimes unexplained ones;
  • Withdraw from social interactions or responsibility;
  • Unusual behavior, patterns they didn’t show previously;
  • Defensive attitude when the subject of addiction comes up.

These signs are notices in both alcoholic and substance addicts. If you notice some of these, you may want to suggest luxury treatment centers for drug abuse. However, the signs may vary depending on the substance your employee is addicted to. Below is more information on this topic.

Marijuana addiction signs

Besides the already known sign of the munchies after a session of smoking marijuana, there are other tell-tale signs you don’t want to overlook. Bloodshot eyes, lethargy, sleepiness, a lack of coordination, an appetite for chit-chat, a lack of focus. The experts at multiple drug rehab centers for recovery claim that these are some of the most common signs.

Valium addiction

If the employee is tasked to a safety-focused job, then valium addiction might be dangerous in their case. Common signs are hostility, poor coordination, drowsiness, amnesia, blurred vision, reduced inhibitions.

Alcohol addiction

Alcohol abuse has other warning signs than the ones presented above. Those abusing alcohol may have an unkempt appearance, irrational behavior, tremors, bloodshot eyes, they may smell like alcohol, they may display aggressive behavior and have temper outbursts.

Whatever signs you identify in one of your employees, make sure that you discuss with them and propose some reliable and appropriate therapies for them.